Hennock was inspired by my eldest daughter whilst sat on the platform of Staverton Station in Devon.
In an effort to get away from Ready to Run I chose 3mm scale to model this layout having previously exhibited a large Tri-ang TT layout. I hope the ramblings that all to frequently appear will be of use to you no matter what scale!
The track diagram shows a simple passing station with a couple of sidings. All track is PECO Hom-12mm gauge with turnouts operated by the wire in tube method. Control is provided by Gaugemaster HH with feedback.
Locos are mostly whitemetal kits running on etched chassis powered by Mashima 9/16 motors with Branchlines 40:1 gearboxes. Wheels are Markits with the latest 3mm Society products being introduced.
Coaches consist of Society 'B' Sets and coaches from etches by Worsley Works, Brynkits and 3SMR. A vast range of wagons are from the 3mm Society list with Finney and Smith providing the China Clay , Gunpowder and a few etched kits.
Hennock has appeared in Railway Modeller and Model Rail.
Please visit the links to the left - 3mm is the Premier Scale for modellers-


General view of Layout.The facia has since been varnished.

The Degree Inn

The Degree Inn
In recognition of my eldest Daughter's achievement. She is also the one who gave me the push to build the layout.

14XX and Autocoach

14XX and Autocoach
Shows Station building-based on Staverton.

Hennock Track Plan

Hennock Track Plan

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tri-ang TT Southern Utility Van

Previously, I discussed the possibility of using Tri-ang TT stock.
Another example that can be used is the Southern Bogie Van.
Fairly accurate in side moulding, it is somwhat wide. The plank gaps are embosed rather than depressed-but- as a quick conversion it captures the prototype well.
There are various articles in Mixed Traffic to put right the width issues and I suppose it would convert into other types of van.
This one, and its sister Maroon example has been fitted with kitmaster bogies-No the purists cry! But it uses up unused parts and keeps the cost down- plus you cant tell when it's moving. At Weymouth today and tomorrow playing trains with 'Hennock'.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mineral Wagon-Fitted.

This shot shows a completed Society kit of the Steel Mineral Wagon, This time finished in Bauxite.
A simple kit to put together, it is a good example of Parkside's master moulding.
If you can build an Airfix kit, these are easier!
Aworkaday wagon that will probably benefit from Tom Raynes weathering.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Corridor Connections.

Can't remember whether I have shown this before.
The Collett coaches have been devoid of these since I completed them.
Lack of these castings meant the coaches had to run without.
However, at Westfest the necessary sets were obtained from the Society Shop.
Squared off and the two halves superglued together, then attached to the coach ends, they are now readdy for painting and the coaches are finally completed.
Just a few more to make!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Shunters Wagon

 Sorry for the lapse of posts, I hope to improve the regularity in the near future.
Moving on, this is a delightful little kit which is some age.
It is of course a model of a Great Western Shunters Truck.
Made, I believe, by K's, the kit is white metal throughout and comprises just a few parts- so long since I made it, I can't remember how many!
The handrails are Hornby examples from a sgnal gantry, painted white, they look a reasonable representation.
The body is finished in engineers black- and the transfers are from the old Woodhead sheet- although
not exactly right. The name beat me so the branding reads 'Not in common use'.
Altogether an unusual model but another wagon for use on both 'Hennock' and 'Teignford'.
This weekend coming, the 29th/30th October at the Weymouth exhibition with 'Hennock'. Come and say hello if you can attend.
New post on Teignford today. See L/H side 3mm related sites.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October Mixed Traffic.

The l;atest edition of the 3mm Society magazine, Mixed Traffic, has just arrived.
This edition, number 185, is packed with interesting stuff.
Trevor Lloyd-Lee expounds more on shunting movement and signalling.
Phil Parker adapts a Class 33 to a 26.
John Sutton makes a Craftsman 1F 0-6-0.
A GWR coaling stage is built by Howard Love.
Add to this the usual Questions and answers, Whats New and Blastpipe and yet another excellent edition is published.
Hennock is also described together with some superb photos of AGM modelling entrants.
A pity we have to wait another three months for the next edition.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Matchbox Matters.

 Our old friends the Matchbox Toys are as seen previously, a source of vehicles for us 3Millers.
These two photos show two of the original 75 series.
Both are Bedfords-the Breakdown Truck-Number 13 and the  Removal Van on which my examples number has been obiterated by glazing.
The wreck Truck on the right came to me without a crane. I remember these as ex-army types with scaffold poles used to form a makeshift hoist which I have tried to replicate using brass wire. The left hand example is as original with a hook made by me as the fitted one was missing.
The Removal van is just a repaint and some glazing added, wheels painted and thats about it- I should replace the axles, they do give the origin away somewhat.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Matchbox Models.

Matchbox Models were a pocket money toy which over the years have provided some useful additions to the 3mm Scale vehicle fleet.
Shown here was the second rendition of the Fire Engine, in this case a Merryweather on an AEC chassis.
This one I picked up, probably at a Toy Fair as it seemed about the right size. In not too bad original condition, I should pick out the blue light and bell, plus glaze the windows-hopefully all in good time.
For comparison it is shown alongside a 1:100 scale model of my Morris Minor MM-I think the scale is about right so can be used on a 3mm layout.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dorset Group Meeting.

No pictures today.
The October meeting was dominated, understandably, by Westfest. The accounts are in and it is reported that we made a modest profit- not bad for a first attempt. Some expenditure was a one off that would be a benefit if we hold another 3mm exhibition. The suggestion that we have a junior 'Drive your own train' layout was considered and felt to be a worthwhile idea.
Attendance was about what was expected and ways of improving this was explored. It was felt that the advertising was extensive and little could be done to better the coverage. Three out of the four big Modelling magazines carried entries in their 'Diary Dates', The Echo local newspaper carried a piece about the show a few days before and fliers were available at all reasonable distance shows some time in advance.
The practical displays were very successful with much interest shown. These could be expanded on and indeed some were keen to attend again.All in all we felt that the day was a success and discussion ensued whether we would do it again.
The modelling side wasn't forgotten , Steve's new layout wiring was mapped out, couplings assembled and a innovative uncoupling system demonstrated by Nigel.
We hope to make a splah at the West Byfleet meeting so watch this space.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Mechanical Horse's.

 I have posted various stages of construction of the 3mm Society Mechanical Horse Kit-note Not a Scarab.
The two I have made so far are both in 'Blood and Custard' livery. I have a third that will be all over Maroon if I can find a prototype picture of one in that livery.
The kit comes with a flatbed trailer and can be made with the fifth wheel up of down. Also available was a step trailer, by K's I think which is also shown coupled to one of the Horses'.

The loads are solid resin castings, for 4mm scale I think (may be 2mm).
They should really have securing ropes to attach the load but time etc.
I think the third shot shows how good the castings are for the Society kit and with a little cleaning up a good replica can be made. Please search for the pictures showing them being made.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Brynkits Bedford OB.

This kit comes as resin castings with whitemetal detailing.
I remember these as used workhorses and never in pristine condition, it's what we used to go on on Sunday School outings where finance was always an issue even back in the late 50's.
It is a matter of cleaning up the moulding and adding the whitemetal grille and painting.
The kit goes together well and I think really captures the prototype.
Something to stand on the bridge Sir? Thats where it should go isn't it?

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Austin Ruby.

This small casting is another offered by Finney and Smith. Cast this time, I think, in pewter.
Hollow on the inside, it would be possible to open out the window aperatures. However, being lazy, my on is still solid.
Again, undercoated, the same process with the windows is persued.
My Father had one of these when I was quite young. It was the greatest car for parking- you just drive front first into the space and got out and lifted the back end in! Simples!

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Finney & Smith Vehicles.

As I have forgotten to publish any of the many road vehicles available, I will over the next few days show some examples.
The first few are available from Finney and Smith-see link on the left.
These are solid castings and capture the prototype well.
All scaled around 1:100 they come as a solid casting, from what appears to be car body filler. This is a fine material and easy to work. A small amount of work is necessary on the base to give a definite outline to the tyres.
 These two are a Morris Commercial and a Morris Minor 1000 Pick up.
Again, roughly 1:100, the same cleaning up as the Land Rover is needed.
All of these have solid windows, I undercoat the casting and leave the windows in the undercoat colour. A dry brush of silver and varnish completes the effect.

My particular favourite-a Morris Minor MM, the original with flat front wings. This style was altered to comply with US legislation regarding the height of the Headlamps.
This was my first car-side valve engine, no heater but so reliable.
Next time I shall have a look at others available plus a few that can be used from the Matchbox Range.