This was the world record attempt for the greatest gathering of Steam Rollers
They come thich and fast at the M1 of the GDSF- great to see them working up the hill!
Is this Scammell agile or what?
You could even have rides behind them!
The line up of Showmans Engines is fantastic.
The last and only green Burrell to be made.
The Mighty Mortier- the sound from this has to be heard.
One of the first JCB's I think.
Earlier shots follow.

This engine is particulary close to me. It was once owned by my fathers best friend. It is a Wallis and Stevens engine and was supplied as a convertable.This meant that it had a saddle in front of the engine which could take a roller which was how dads mate had it some fifty years ago. I believe it was aquired from Mark Loder of Bournemouth and is now resident in Ringwood.A Dorset registered engine.
These are a selection of road engines taken around Dorset.
1 comment:
Hi there!
I was interested to see your photos of engine - Wallis and steevens Alice. I would be interested to know who your father was and his relationtion to the engine. The engine is infact not a convertable but was a tractor, converted to a roller during the war for rolling the airfields and now turned back to her origional form.
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