Another aquisition from Shrewsbury Model Centre, in the same package is this kit, an Opel Blitz. Also a snap together kit, this one is moulded in grey plastic and produced to a very high quality.
Again the instructions are in Russian, although the exploded diagram is universal. This will easily be converted into something a bit more British.
I have one more kit to come which will be usable from this range. That is unless you want an army of tanks which are also made in this scale.
Zvezda have a Facebook site which gives details of forthcoming releases so I have asked that more of this type of truck or indeed any civilian subject be considered.
Recommended without hesitation, will be interesting to hear any others building these kits and to what they converted them.
Since writing this, I have found out that these vehicles are available from Finney and Smith- try the related sites link on the left.